The role of the Environmental and Natural Resources Board of Appeal  (úrskurðarnefnd umhverfis- og auðlindamála) is to decide on appeals of decisions by municipal and government bodies in the field of environment, including issues relating to buildings and planning, and natural resources.

Appeals and related documents should be should be sent through the web portal (Mínar síður). It is also possible to send the appeal by email to but in that case the document needs to be signed by hand. In case of multiple appellants, each appellant needs to sign the appeal unless a written power of attorney is provided.

It is necessary to state clearly in the appeal, which decision is being appealed, how the decision affects the legitimate interests of the appellant and what relief is sought (e.g. that the decision shall be deemed void). Related documents should be sent with the appeal and if known by the appellant, the statute and article number, containing the right to appeal, should be mentioned.

Typically, the deadline for appeal is one month from the date that the the appellant became or should have become aware of the decision to be appealed. In case of decisions that are published officially the deadline starts at the date of publication.

Should an appeal be sent in paper format, it is appreciated if an electronic version is also sent to

The office of the Board is located at Borgartún 21, 105 Reykjavík and is open 9-12 and 13-15.30 weekdays.

The telephone number is 575-8710 and telephone hours are 10-12.